Hey all,

I know this topic has been brought up before, but not for a long time.  I have been doing some research, and found that for my implementation of the jumpstart process, 2 things needed to be changed.  One was the DHCP settings, and the other being the PXE files.  Jumpstart differs from kickstart because it requires the pxe file to start with menu.lst followed by the mac address(preceded by 01).  Due to this, I must bypass these jumpstart systems in cobbler.  Then I'll need to write a module that writes these menu.lst file in the tftpboot directory.  I've taken a look at pxegen.py, but it seems like a plethora of information, and I'm still trying to get used to python.  Can anyone lead me in the right direction so I can build a module similar to pxegen?

Best Regards,
David Allender