Whoops. My sincere apologies. I thought I combed out all the mailing lists from this message but I missed cobbler. I hate when people try to spam our technical lists and hate to have done so myself.

Please ignore this email; it wasn’t intended for this forum. And I am complete sorry and red-faced.

Bret Wortman

On 24 Apr 2016, at 16:01, Bret Wortman wrote:

I'm launching a new product on Kickstarter in early May -- sign up below to be notified when we launch!

Email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser (http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=51b64bdc652d176f35017701f&id=cb205990cc&e=4c07db21f8) .

** Wrap Buddies coming to Kickstarter!

** Campaign launching in early May


Wrap Buddies are coming!

You and I have exchanged email in the past, so I wanted to take a moment to let you know about my Kickstarter campaign which will launch in a few short weeks.

Wrap Buddies are my answer to gift wrapping annoyances. Tired of chasing your paper all over the floor? Having the roll curl back up on you while you're trying to cut or measure? Wrap Buddies clip to your tabletop and hold a roll of gift wrap securely while you're wrapping. It makes measuring & cutting easier, and the two-piece design ensures any size roll will fit. And they break down easily for storage with the rest of your supplies.

I'd love you to join the campaign, whether as a supporter or by sharing our campaign page with your friends & family. We're on facebook (http://damascusgrp.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b64bdc652d176f35017701f&id=cff348dce4&e=4c07db21f8) , pinterest (http://damascusgrp.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b64bdc652d176f35017701f&id=dfcb216ea8&e=4c07db21f8) and the web (http://damascusgrp.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b64bdc652d176f35017701f&id=cd56522e10&e=4c07db21f8) . And since Kickstarter doesn't assign our final page location until we launch, I can't give you that link just yet.

Please click the "Sign up" button and join our campaign notification list. You can unsubscribe at any time.


** $20.00

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The Damascus Group
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cobbler mailing list

Bret Wortman