I don't understand you when you say

Why not use Cobblers configuration management?

I think I'm using Cobbler configuratin for integrating Puppet environment and its execution...

My server has installed Cobbler 2.8.0-4 and Puppet-server-3.6.2-3. In /etc/cobbler/setting I have modified some parameter for allowing Puppet integration:

puppet_auto_setup: 1
sign_puppet_certs_automatically: 1
puppetca_path: "/usr/bin/puppet"
remove_old_puppet_certs_automatically: 1
puppet_server: 'puppet'
puppet_version: 3
so when Cobbler installs a new machine, during installation process installs also puppet package, generates a new certificate, signs it and update files that have been configured in Puppet manifest.
That process runs OK but the problem is that puppet agent remains "Active" and "Enable" in new machine, so puppet agent runs every "x" minutes, so files configured for being updated with Puppet are updated again and again and again because puppet agent service is "Active".
For example, I updated /etc/fstab file with Puppet for adding some NFS mount points. During first puppet agent execution, /etc/fstab is updated OK, but with following executions, /etc/fstab gets, again, "echo mounpoints", so at the end, /etc/fstab has some NFS mountpoints repeated.

By the moment, the "solution" I have found is not execute Puppet within Cobbler, in other words, not integrated Puppet into Cobbler... but that solution has a big problem for me: I need to sign manually each certificate, so the process of installing a new machine is not fully automatic...

Can someone help me?

With that, when I install a new machine, puppet is executed correctly there but daemon "puppet" is configured as "enabled", so it rexecutes "puppet agent -t" each time (depending of puppet agent configuration).

What I want to get is configure puppet for executing just one time during installation. Because of I configure "system poweroff" in kickstart file, if I restarted that computer, puppet service will be "disabled" and, if I need reexecute it, I will do "by hand".

I have tried to add a last line in kickstart as "systemctl stop puppet" and "systemctl disable puppet", but with that both command, puppet doesn't executed even the first time :( :( :(

Could anyone help me???


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