On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:13 PM, James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> wrote:

On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 21:00:23 +0000 (GMT), Rob Lazzurs <lazzurs@lazzurs.net>
> On Fri, 27 Feb 2009, James Cammarata wrote:
>> I noticed the redhat_register snippet accesses a couple of variables
>> (also
>> shown in dumpvars), however the only one it seems you can edit is the
>> variable.   Are the edit commands missing some options, or can someone
>> point me to some documentation on how to actually use this?
>> # cobbler system dumpvars --name ks-test | grep redhat
>> 'breed': 'redhat',
>> 'redhat_management_key': '',
>> 'redhat_management_server': 'xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com',
>> 'redhat_management_type': 'off',
>> Hopefully it's not expected of people to hand-edit the config files to
>> use
>> this :)
> Hello James,
> If you wish to edit the management server then yes you will have to edit
> the configuration file in /etc/cobbler/settings.  This file will also
> some other settings you have to change, the file is well documented and
> running 'cobbler check' on the command line should help you with any
> further settings you need to change.
> Take care.
> --
> Rob Lazzurs

Thanks guys, I didn't think to look in settings...

Might be a corner case, but if anyone had two different RHN servers they
might register to (I've actually seen this, last company had a completely
different satellite server for their lab/testing that was isolated from
production), this would be a limitation.

Wouldn't such a case involve using two separate cobbler servers. It is not uncommon to separate lab and production networks. In such an environment the production DHCP and cobbler servers in production would not be accessible to dev/qa users anyway. There could be separate cobbler servers for each environment although they could share the same install trees and repositories.