In cobbler 2.2 the subnet field was renamed to netmask.


Op 5 jan. 2012 17:15 schreef "Christian Horn" <> het volgende:

using a RHEL6.2 and the current cobble in epel, 2.0.11-2,
a system object can be added, and is handled properly.

Using cobbler 2.2.1-1 from testing leads to this:

# cobbler system add --name=tester6 --profile=rhel6u2-x86_64
# cobbler system edit --name=tester6 --hostname=tester6 \
 --interface=eth0 --ip-address= \
 --subnet= --mac=00:ff:06:00:00:01 --static=1
# cobbler system dumpvars --name=tester6 |grep subnet_
subnet_eth0 :
# cobbler system report --name=tester6 |grep Subnet
Subnet Mask                    :

Dumpvars is not presenting the netmask, also not 'getks'.
Performing the same steps with 2.0.11-2 everything works.
Accessing system objects that were created with 2.0.11-2
after upgrade to 2.2.1-1 leads to the subnet still beeing

Any ideas on what I could possibly be missing here?
Did not spot a related ticket on github yet, got aware of
this from a report from another cobbler user.

cheers, Christian
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