On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 4:20 PM, James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> wrote:
When viewing the rendered kickstart, can you verify whether you see this line?

wget "http://<server>/cblr/svc/op/nopxe/system/<name>" -O /dev/null

[root@ops-1 ~]# curl  -s | grep nopxe
wget "" -O /dev/null

If so, can you verify that you see that request in your httpd logs?

no sign of 'nopxe'

might wget be missing?

i can add to %packages and try again.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 5:49 PM, David Birdsong <david.birdsong@gmail.com> wrote:
Could I get some help understanding and fixing pxe_just_once?

[david@ops-1 ~]$ grep pxe_just /etc/cobbler/settings
pxe_just_once: 1

I've restarted cobbler. The system I've installed has been looping on pxe for a few installs while I've tried a few things.

I've added:


to the kickstart; tailing Apache logs confirms that the wget is being called, yet the netboot setting remains to be True:
Netboot Enabled                : True

Am I missing a trigger that I'm supposed to supply?

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