
I'm trying to install SLES 11 SP3 using Cobbler but it failed after downloading the NBP file. The error on the screen is Unable to fetch TFTP image.

I have a similiar setup for SLES 11 SP2 and it is working fine. The difference with this setup is I am installing SLES 11 SP3 on a IBM x3500 M5 server, which requires a bootable driver kit(BDK) to be installed prior to the installation of the OS itself.

My setup is as follows:

/var/lib/tftpboot> tree uefisp3
├── biostest
├── bootx64.efi
├── elilo.conf
├── initrd
├── linux
├── memtest
├── message
└── pxelinux.0

The initrd and linux is not from the SLES DVD, but from the BDK image.

Quoting from https://drivers.suse.com/doc/Usage/Driver_Kits.html:
Copy the kernel and initrd images from the driver kit iso image to the appropriate location on your tftp boot server. The initrd and kernel image are found under the /boot/x86_64/loader directory.

I have tried changing the /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template by pointing the filename to uefisp3/bootx64.efi, pxelinux.0 and uefisp3/pxelinux.0 but none of them work.

My cobbler distro report:

Name                           : sles11sp3
Architecture                   : x86_64
Breed                          : suse
Comment                        :
Initrd                         : /driverkit/boot/x86_64/loader/initrd
Kernel                         : /driverkit/boot/x86_64/loader/linux
Kernel Options                 : {'install': '', 'addon': ''}
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
Kickstart Metadata             : {}
Management Classes             : []
OS Version                     : sles10
Owners                         : ['admin']
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Template Files                 : {}

My elilo.conf (to be honest I'm not even sure if I need this file, but this is how I did it with SLES 11 SP2):

/var/lib/tftpboot> cat uefisp3/elilo.conf

    description = "Installation"
    append="/images/sles11sp3/initrd textmode=1 install= autoyast= addon="

Excerpt from pxelinux.cfg/default file:

LABEL raid1drbd_sp3
        kernel /images/sles11sp3/linux
        MENU LABEL raid1drbd_sp3
        append initrd=/images/sles11sp3/initrd textmode=1 install= addon=  autoyast=
        ipappend 2

TFTP server works, as I did try to fetch some files from the TFTP server manually. In /var/log/messages there is an error "tftp: client does not accept options", which from what I read is most likely not relevant to the issue that I'm facing now.

Anyone with success installing SLES 11 SP3 with the driver kit?
