We are using cobber to manage our machines for our satellite. Re are using satellite 5.5 with cobbler 2.0.7. Since our last upgrade, our VMWare Machines do not use the static IP anymore during kickstart.
NOTICE NetworkManager:    ifcfg-rh: Ignoring connection 'System eth0' and its device due to NM_CONTROLLED/BRIDGE/VLAN.
Before the upgrade, this worked.
We use this cobbler command to add the machine:
cobbler system add --name=thename --profile=theprofilename --hostname=thename --kopts="ksdevice=eth0 umgebung=LAN" --interface=eth0 --static=true --mac=00:50:56:9b:2e:c6 --ip= --subnet= --gateway= --name-servers=
What are we doing wrong? I searched for different combinations of cobbler, NetworkManager, DHCP etc. but I did not find any usable answer. I hope this is a cobbler problem.