From: Jonas Bygdén []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:22 AM
To: cobbler mailing list
Cc: Byron Pezan
Subject: Re: Kickstart and snippet



Doesn't that destroy all cooperation between cobbler and our Spacewalk server?

I've gotten more references to "my kickstart templates" - I have no idea where they might be.

I've found some samples in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/ where I've tried to comment out the snippet to no avail.

I've also tried commenting out the snippet in all files under /var/lib/rhn/kickstarts/wizard as well, this does not affect my kickstart-files either.

Please help, where are the templates used by cobbler and/or Spacewalk?




Sadly I cannot comment on the integration b/w Spacewalk and Cobbler, since I don’t run Spacewalk.  Satellite is used at my organization but not by my team/department, however on occasion I need to register a system from my group to the corporate Satellite server.


However, I think I can help you find the correct kickstart template in order to remove the ‘register_redhat’ snippet.


First you need to find out what kickstart an affected system is using:

[root@labcore snippets]# cobbler system dumpvars --name=core-bpezan-test | grep ^kickstart

kickstart : /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/default.ks


Then look for this line in the file returned from the above command:



and comment it out, like so (the space after the # is important):

# $SNIPPET('redhat_register')



If you wanted more granular control, you can put some cheetah/python code in your kickstart template to either run the redhat_register snippet or not based on a ‘--ksmeta’ variable.  I do something similar to this so that I can register different RHEL systems to RHN/Satellite with different keys.  I can provide an example of this config if you’d like.


