Hello everyone:

We have set up cobbler on rhel62 (and centos62, we've tried both) using the packages from epel.

Everything goes smoothly during the install. Once we try to import a distro (centos 6.2 minimal, in this case) we get errors stating the following:

received on stderr:
adding distros
associating repos
associating kickstarts

There are contents located at /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/distro, but that appears to be it. When we run cobbler disto list nothing appears.

We upgraded to version 2.2.1 from epel-testing and receive the same errors.

I have seen https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/issues/72 and am curious if we are seeing the same issue. If so, this appears to be fixed in 2.2.2. When will that rpm hit epel-testing?

Thanks for your help,