Created a yum-repo :

cobbler repo report --name=local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64
Name                           : local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64
Apt Components (apt only)      : []
Apt Dist Names (apt only)      : []
Arch                           : x86_64
Breed                          : yum
Comment                        : Local HP Service Pack for RHEL 6 ProLiant (x86_64)
Createrepo Flags               : <<inherit>>
Environment Variables          : {}
Keep Updated                   : True
Mirror                         :
Mirror locally                 : True
Owners                         : ['admin']
Priority                       : 99
RPM List                       : []
Yum Options                    : {'gpgcheck': '1', 'gpgkey': '', 'includepkgs': 'hp-health,hp-snmp-agents,hponcfg,hpacucli,hp-ilo'}

But when I do this:
cobbler reposync --tries=3 --only=local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64
...the generated commands ignore all of the Yum Options.
The file <web root.>/cobbler/repo_mirror/.origins/local-HP-ServicePackforProLiant-x86_64.repo contains none of the options.

If I add the options to the file and run the reposync command by hand, the options work.

Is this a bug ?  Or do I need to create a feature request to get the options into the generated repo file ?
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”  (Bill Waterson: Calvin & Hobbes)