On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Velez, Eddie <Eddie.Velez@emulex.com> wrote:

I am adding files to distro that are need during boot process of Citrix via GUI. When I save changes it removes one of the files needed. I am using 2.4.0 beta 3 of cobbler.





If I do it via command line it will be ok until I do a “cobbler sync”


cobbler distro edit --name=Citrix-6.1.0-RTM-59235 --boot-files='$img_path/'='/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Citrix-6.1.0-RTM-59235/boot/vmlinuz''$img_path/'='/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Citrix-6.1.0-RTM-59235/install.img

After that edit, what does "cobbler distro report --name=Citrix-6.1.0-RTM-59235" show? It seems like your quoting of those options is a bit off. Also, cobbler sync should copy any of those files back into place, but by default cobbler completely wipes out the tftp files before recopying things into place.