Yes, I've been slack and didn't draw anything up, but I'm vetoing the boot favicon.   Boot gravely offends me :)

Just a letter C or generic free gear icon or something would be better as a temporary measure.   Almost anything.  

On Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Greg Swift wrote:

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:08, James Cammarata <> wrote:
> "Hand crafted"?  With an old-style boot?  But in my view the whole point of
> cobbler installation is the opposite.  Isn't it to have a high-quality,
> reliable, automated production line for multiple instances of machines?  The
> last thing we want is old-style, geek-in-a-garage sys.admins. spending their
> lives hand-crafting every detail on every box and inevitably getting
> something, somewhere wrong.  That's completely unscalable: the very opposite
> of what cobbler is about, isn't it?
> I'm no artist.  But something like a a shelf of computer icons (possibly two
> or three instances of two or three different types.  And to the lower left,
> a shiny, fashionable streamlined boot in mid-swing, and some curvy lines to
> suggest that this boot has just deposited those computers on that shelf.  Or
> something like that.

And pie.

So since this hasn't gotten anywhere I do propose that we at least utilize the boot favicon until someone gets this figured out?  I'm all for a fancy new logo, but the whole reason I started down the path in the first place was because I was tired of not having a favicon when I pinned cobbler as an app tab. It doesn't have the medallion look to it or the tongue-in-cheek caption, its just a fairly quality looking leather boot (not modern per se, but not a simple work boot either). 

Note, I'm not suggesting this as the official cobbler logo, just a stand in favicon until the logo creation occurs.  Which considering the interest that was put into it both the first and second time it was brought up in the last 12m I don't necessarily see being fast tracked any time soon. (just being realistic... most of us are admins/developers not artists)

just a thought/suggestion.

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- favicon.png