On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Ronald J. Yacketta <yacketrj@potsdam.edu> wrote:
Trying to figure out why I am not getting e-mails from profile / system installs. Found a patch and applied it then compared my KS file to the default one left behind during a fresh install.

After a profile / system is installed the install.log just shows a state of 'stop' and never gets a 'finish' which I think is why e-mails are not being sent, am able to send e-mails from the cobbler server and not seeing any Exceptions in cobbler.log.

==KS %post==

echo "Post-Install section begins.."
sleep 15
) 2>&1 | tee  /root/post-install.log

profile SL-6.3-x86_64   start   1367956120.14
profile SL-6.3-x86_64   stop    1367956688.33

==http access.log== - - [07/May/2013:15:58:08 -0400] "GET /cblr/svc/op/trig/mode/post/profile/SL-6.3-x86_64 HTTP/1.0" 200 4 "-" "Wget/1.12 (linux

Tue May  7 15:58:08 2013 - INFO | REMOTE run_install_triggers; user(?)
Tue May  7 15:58:08 2013 - DEBUG | running python triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/post/*
Tue May  7 15:58:08 2013 - DEBUG | running python trigger cobbler.modules.install_post_puppet
Tue May  7 15:58:08 2013 - DEBUG | running python trigger cobbler.modules.install_post_report
Tue May  7 15:58:08 2013 - DEBUG | running python trigger cobbler.modules.install_post_power
Tue May  7 15:58:08 2013 - DEBUG | running python trigger cobbler.modules.install_post_log

This should be getting fired off from the cobblerd server as a post install trigger. You have all of the build_reporting* settings configured correctly? These are the default values:

build_reporting_email: [root@localhost]
build_reporting_enabled: 0
build_reporting_sender: ''
build_reporting_smtp_server: localhost
build_reporting_subject: ''
build_reporting_to_address: ''