On 07/03/2009 04:50 AM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
On Thu Jul 2 17:28:25 UTC 2009, Michael DeHaan wrote:
What cobbler version are you running? No, we do not auto-generate tftp
configs... though there was
an artifact of that left over from some uncompleted development, it is
not something that is used.

The one provided with F11 x86_64 up2date:

The rpm itself contains (rpm -ql cobbler):

These aren't being used.    They are artifacts of some work that we decided not to use.

So, finding these files in place,  I thought that the same effect
would be in place for tftp as for dnsmasq with a "cobbler sync"...
But I've not understood if I can use tftp functionality embedded in
dnsmasq or if it is a must for cobbler to use tftp daemon via xinetd

Cobbler likes to use the one in xinetd.   The dnsmasq templates that ship with Cobbler, in particular, do not
set up TFTP.
(I know chkconfig command suitable also for xinetd based services...
thanks anyway)

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