Cloned Cobbler 2.6.5 onto CentOS 6.5, installed as an rpm.

Among the usual cobbler check warnings from a new install, I was getting this:

1 : Unmanaged tftpd server 'tftpd'

And this was despite having the system tftp-server package installed and enabled in xinetd. I poked around and found these lines in python2.6/site-packages/cobbler/ (72-83):

       mode = self.config.api.get_sync().tftpd.what()
       if mode == "in_tftpd":
       elif mode == "tftpd_py":
       else :
          status.append("Unmanaged tftpd server '%s'" % mode)

Simply changing in_tftpd to tftpd, cleared the check warning. But before I make a pull request, I wanted to ask if perhaps the issue is not this code but tftpd.what. I am not a python programmer, so of I can't find/xargs/grep it out, I likely can't figure out what's going on.

What's the right way to fix this?


--Greg Chavez