
I haven’t used cobbler with ESXI in a while, so I don’t exactly remember what the parameters were... but I know that you need to have a couple of kernel options set in your profile.  I had my setup completely automated, but it got erased when my section got reorganized.  Ideally you should be able to press the power-button and have your OS installed, updated, and setup for you.  Admittedly, what I mostly worked with was kvm or bare-metal, but I had some ESXI servers in the loop as well. 

Let me see if I have any notes from left over from that project.  In the meantime if anyone else knows the answer off the top of their head please let us know.
I am at work right now, so it might be ~7 hours or so before I can get back to you, but since we are likely in different time-zones, I'm sure that isn't a problem.


Scott Mattan 【マッタン・スコット】
Software Service Solution Department
Tel:03-6681-4305 / Mobile:080-4223-2306

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 5:47 AM, William Muriithi <william.muriithi@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a hyper-visor EXSi version 6 and I am looking at using cobbler
for virtual machine provisioning.  I had initially scanned the docs
and somehow got a feeling EXSi is supported.

However, after spending the last 4 hours attempting it, and after
researching and reading all I could find, it seem like EXSi isn't

Have anyone managed provisioning vmware based virtual machine using
koan?  Would be grateful if you can share a link to your notes or any
data that can lead me toward a successful goal

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