
This is the exact same error I use to get when importing RHEL5.3 Dvd on a Fedora Release 11 host using cobbler 1.6.4 - 1.6.6.

You may want to look at the ticket I filed documenting this problem, it has been around for a while,


I was able to resolve the problem using a reply to this ticket somebody was very nice to post on my ticket:

Direct link --> https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/ticket/463

When you follow the steps in that ticket, go to each directory (Server, VT, Clustering, ClusterStorage) and execute the command the user posted. (Please read the whole ticket to get familiar with it.)

Oh, whoever you are to the person that replied to my ticket (nplusplus), Thank you! Now I can help someone else who is having the same problem.

Hope this helps, please let us know if this helps you as well. :-)


On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Léon Keijser <keijser@stone-it.com> wrote:

I've imported a RHEL 5.3 (x86_64) dvd succesfully, created a profile
that has the RHEL's profile as parent and added a system for it. Now
when i try to roll out the system, i get an error from anaconda saying
there's something wrong with the repository:

"Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to a missing repodata
directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly
generated. failure: repodata/primary/xml.gz from
anaconda-base-200901061732.x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try."

I've verified that the directory:


exists and that there are 4 repositories created:

 Server, VT, Cluster and ClusterStorage

I even updated these repositories manually. This all didn't do the
trick. Something i forgot to do?

# rpm -q cobbler

# rpm -q koan



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