
ipmitool is not part of the F11 DVD. It comes with the F11 Everything repo.
I'm in France and my best mirror is ftp.free.fr, so my command lines are for this mirror, but adapt it to yours :

root# cobbler repo add --name=fedora-core-11-x86_64-everything \
    --mirror=ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/releases/11/Everything/x86_64/os/ \
root# cobbler profile edit --name=Fedora11-x86_64 --repos='fedora-core-11-x86_64-everything'

This won't change anything to your installed systems, by newer ones will be affected.


2009/11/13 Diego M. Vadell <dvadell@clustering.com.ar>
 Hi List,

 I have installed Cobbler in a Fedora11 server, and successfully installed
Fedora11 via PXE into another server. I configured Cobbler

* mounting the Fedora11 DVD
* cobbler import --name=Fedora11 --mirror=/mnt/
* cobbler sync
* cobbler system add --name=XXX --mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

 Not a problem.

 Now I want to add one RPM, ipmitool, which didn't came into the Fedora11
DVD. Do I have to make a custom repository and add it to the profile? I
tried putting it into /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Fedora11/Packages and
running cobbler reposync --only=Fedora11-x86_64 , but I still get the same
message: "You have specified that the package 'ipmitool' should be
installed. This package does not exists. Would you like to continue or abort
your installation?" when PXE booting.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the (fundamental) question,
 -- Diego.

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