On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
On 09/23/2009 11:22 AM, Jeremy Rosengren wrote:
I was able to solve my earlier cobbler 2.0 issues - prior to upgrading, I had symbolically linked /var/www/cobbler to another partition after moving the new /var/www/cobbler to that partition and then copying my ks_mirrors and repo_mirrors directories over, things seem to be working on the web side.

I'm seeing a new issue when trying to do a "cobbler reposync".  The reposync process seems to be working, but at the end of the mirroring it fails with the following error.  Any suggestions for how I fix this on EL5, where createrepo > 0.9.7 doesn't exist?


-- jeremy

I presume you are trying to mirror a recent Fedora.

Well, you *can* install a newer version of yum-utils on RHEL 5... that is possible.

I'm not entirely sure how to mirror this without the steps involved, as I didn't contribute the feature, though I agree falling back to something simpler in that case might be desirable.   Someone would need to investigate.    There have been a lot of yum changes recently and they are a bit hard to keep up with along with everything else, so help would be welcome here.

(Given, we might just say upgrade your yum.. as for RHEL management apps that are "supported" don't use this feature... though if we could get it to work from older OS's that would be nice and I'd like to do this).


Okay, that sounds reasonable.  Since I have the ability to upgrade yum-utils on this EL5 box, I may just do that as the quick fix and take a deeper look at making the feature work on EL5 when I have a free moment or two.


-- jeremy