Hello Everyone,

Having some trouble with dhcpd and cobbler 2.0

                  # cobbler check
                  The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix:
                  1 : dhcpd is not installed and/or in path

Of course I have dhcp installed (dhcp-4.1.0p1-2.fc11.i586)

(Now in 1.6.8 (and prior) I noticed that you could pass in configuration the location of dhcp / dnsmasq binaries and configuration. It would be very nice if this flexibility was brought back to cobbler. More of a want versus a need though..  :-P Nevertheless I digress,...)

Check out how this block of code on a Fedora 11 machine runs for checking for the presence of dhcpd

[ This is from action_check.py ]

  def check_dhcpd_bin(self,status):
       Check if dhcpd is installed
       rc = utils.subprocess_get(self.logger,"dhcpd --help")
       if rc.find("exiting") == -1:
           status.append("dhcpd is not installed and/or in path")

Something in that routine test is triggering a "false" /negative/ for what should prove "true". ("exiting." appears on the last line which is what the code is checking for, when you type dhcpd --help from the command line.) Confusing?

[root@localhost cobbler]# grep dhcp utils.py
def dhcpconf_location(api):
        return "/etc/dhcp.conf"
        return "/etc/dhcp.conf"
        return "/etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf"

Also shouldn't the above return "/PATH/dhcp.conf" statements point to /PATH/dhcpd.conf ? When did this change?

I validated this on RHEL5.x, Fedora10 / 11 and RHEL4.x. Is "dhcp.conf" something special cobbler needs now? Please advise.

I do the majority of my testing / builds on Fedora 11 now, as well as RHEL5.x at work. Would love to play around with cobbler 2.0 once dhcp is validated!