I'm surprised the #raw & #end raw tags aren't working.  We use snippets nested several deep ourselves, but once we went through and escaped all the '$' in one form or another (usually "#raw \n <some line with a password or ssl key> \n #end raw") fixed them.  If this isn't working, I'd suspect you have some other cheetah error that, unfortunately, isn't be propagated.  Cheetah has a command-line option, but it doesn't understand the '$SNIPPET' command, so that doesn't help.  I suspect the best method for testing is a python interpreter importing whatever is necessary from Cheetah and registering the '$SNIPPET' command as cobbler does.  Unfortunately, this requires digging into the cobbler source.

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Tom Brown <tom@ng23.net> wrote:

> What was the reason for the change?
> Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm in the process of upgrading my
> cobbler 1.6.2 install to 2.0.x myself and I'm running into this exact
> same problem. The implications are more serious on my end though as
> this particular change breaks rendering of recursive snippets (which I
> use quite a bit in my setup).
> To give a simple example of an instance where this is breaking, I have
> one snippet called modular_template that calls in four more snippets:
> config_prep0, config_prep, openntpd_config, and
> increase_resource_limits.
> To answer the obvious question: yes, I did take those snippets out of
> the modular_template snippet and place them directly in my kickstart,
> but that only broke my config_prep snippets; and no, #raw tags did not
> help the situation either.

nested snippets are a problem for me too and raw does not seem to help
on a couple of them - so right now i dont know what to do here to move

cobbler mailing list

Benjamin Riggs
Systems Staff
School of Mathematics