
New here and thanks in advance for any help!

Anybody have any suggestions on how to flag a partitioning snippet to build and ext4 filesystem without journaling? (if possible) Here is a sample of what's currently being used.

clearpart --all --initlabel
part /boot --ondisk=sda --size=500 --fstype ext4 --asprimary
part pv.root --ondisk=sda --size=1 --grow
volgroup rootvg pv.root
logvol swap --fstype ext4 --vgname=rootvg --size=2000 --name=swaplv
logvol /var --fstype ext4 --vgname=rootvg --size=8192 --name=varlv
logvol /tmp --fstype ext4 --vgname=rootvg --size=8192 --name=tmplv
logvol / --fstype ext4 --vgname=rootvg --size=1 --grow --name=rootlv
part pv.chunks1 --ondisk=sdb --size=1 --grow
volgroup chunks1vg pv.chunks1
logvol /data/chunks1 --fstype ext4 --vgname=chunks1vg --size=1 --grow --name=chunks1lv

The above chunks section is part that will not have journaling.


Len Sanchez                        
Replication Support
(210) 301-6286