On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Jörgen Maas <jorgen.maas@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Shake Chen <shake.chen@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks James the document.

but when I add the below to kickstart

url --url=proxy=$http_server:3128

but seem no working, I monitor the squid log,

I try to add kernel option

Kernel Options                 : {'proxy': ''}

it is working. all the request though squid.

but I found after finished installed, the node never use squid.

so I have to modiy  /etc/yum.conf


now all the request would through squid.

I found in snippet, have proxy.xml, whether is possible use it ?

Installing through a proxy (url --proxy) is supported starting from rhel 6.2 iirc.

I try it on centos 6.3

# Use network installation
url --url=
url --url=proxy=

but no work

Earlier versions were able to get the kickstart file through a proxy by supplying the proxy kernel option, but then anaconda would fail trying to get the rpm's.

In later versions there is a proxy field in the profile and system objects, so you could use that instead of a kernel option.

I use the newest version of cobbler 2.3.2

I have found the profile have proxy setting and add it.

[root@node05 links]# cobbler profile report --name=CentOS6.3-x86_64 | grep Proxy
Proxy                          :

but no working.

only can work in Kernel Options


The proxy.xml snippet is intended for SuSE (autoyast) based systems, which have had proper proxy support for years now.


Jörgen Maas

cobbler mailing list

Shake Chen