On 20/05/10 15:52, Byron Pezan wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: cobbler-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org [mailto:cobbler-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org] On Behalf Of Jonas Bygdén
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:58 AM
To: cobbler mailing list
Subject: Kickstart and snippet


When kickstarting a system it gets automatically registered by the use 
of the cobbler snippet 'redhat_register'. Is there a way to disable this 

The main reason for my question is that cobbler adds a default key to 
all systems using the "Red Hat Management Key" variable, and we don't 
want that. I've tried to edit the cobbler profiles to remove that 
auto-generated key, but I don't seem to be able to do that.

We're adding our own activation keys in a post script and re-registering 
the system, which causes the system to be registered twice. Once with 
the by cobbler auto generated key, and once with our keys.



[Byron Pezan] 

I think you should be able to set 'redhat_management_type' to 'off' in the cobbler config file.  There are a couple other RHEL key settings in there as well.  You may need to restart cobbler after making any config changes.

Pulled directly from /etc/cobbler/settings

# Are you using a Red Hat management platform in addition to Cobbler?
# Cobbler can help you register to it.  Choose one of the following:
#   "off"    : I'm not using Red Hat Network, Satellite, or Spacewalk
#   "hosted" : I'm using Red Hat Network
#   "site"   : I'm using Red Hat Satellite Server or Spacewalk
# You will also want to read: https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/TipsForRhn
redhat_management_type: "hosted"

You might also be able to get away with commenting or removing the 'redhat_register' snippet from your kickstart template(s), however I personally would consider this option to be a less desirable solution.


cobbler mailing list
Doesn't that destroy all cooperation between cobbler and our Spacewalk server?

I've gotten more references to "my kickstart templates" - I have no idea where they might be.

I've found some samples in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/ where I've tried to comment out the snippet to no avail.

I've also tried commenting out the snippet in all files under /var/lib/rhn/kickstarts/wizard as well, this does not affect my kickstart-files either.

Please help, where are the templates used by cobbler and/or Spacewalk?
