On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:25 PM, James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> wrote:

Yes, 2.2.2-1 is the most recent release, and is available in EPEL5/6 stable.

Yep, I downloaded the RPM and used rpm2cpio to see if the ESXi5 changes made it in there, but yeah... they didn't :-)
Doing an ESXi install without gpxe doesn't really work well with
cobbler, because you have to manually copy all the files to the tftp
root directory. The problem with that is "cobbler sync" cleans that
directory out, so you'd have to recopy the files after every sync -
not a good way to go.

Ah yes, gotcha. I don't use gPXE either so I'd have to get that in there, too.
So if you want to play with this functionality (which is really very
alpha at this point), my recommendation is to get the git repo and run
"make rpms" on the master branch. This will build you 2.3.1 RPMs that
you can then install.

Might hold off and use the auto-deploy server and maybe get Cobbler to just point at the auto-deploy tftp server (only due to lack of time).

- Gonzalo