I recently bestowed the virtues of cobbler unto a colleague who has, like many, decided it's the best thing since sliced bread. Good so far...

After he had been working with it for a while, he experienced a problem which was keeping his lower per_* snippets from overriding the top level counterparts.

For example, he has
and also

In both files he had (unbeknownst before the override) unescaped "$" chars. When the per_system post_install snippet was not applied, everything rendered correctly. However when a specific host was specified in order to get the overriding snippet, the rendering failed.

So, to recap, two copies of the same messed up snippet were in place. The top level one rendered correctly, the per_system one did not as cheetah choked on the unescaped "$" signs.

Is this a know bug/feature?
