El 10/02/2012 14:48, "Michael DeHaan" <michael.dehaan@gmail.com> escribió:
> The DHCP server does not work as you say -- the actual request for the MAC specific file is done by pxelinux.0,  making a TFTP request to known file paths.

> I don't understand the need for "it just has DHCP features" or "one line configs", since we support some options that ALSO have DHCP features (ISC, dnsmasq) and cobbler mostly configures both of them for you once you get them initially set up.

With Just DHCP, I intended to point that I just want to use that DHCP server for making netboot. I am deploying cobbler in a home network, and I cannot point second server parameters nor pxe ones, just can make MAC<-> IP associations, which I don't mind pointing to cobbler. As I am going to just have the cobbler/pxe server powered on when I want to make installations, I can't/don't want to put features that might be done by the router. That is why I didn't want to put dnsmasq.

My idea was to keep it simple, that is why I chose bootpd package. Configurations are single lined, and I think they are quite simple.

After all, I suppose that I was being selfish. I had a look into the dhcpd and it seems that you can configure it to _just_ reply to specific MACs' requests. My intention is to have a system the less intrusive possible in the network.

I intend to do this also in networks that I cant manage DHCP servers, in which I have some IPs assigned by MAC. That is why I want a dhcp server _just_ for pxe, that just replys to dhcp requests for PXE.

I will check if that dnsmasq can be configured to just reply to PXE requests. Bootpd can

> Naturally, cobbler can work with any DHCP server as long as you can set the next-server address, ,and you don't have to have cobbler entering in the MAC<->IP mappings if you don't want to.   But if you do, yes, it makes reservations for you.
> However, what you say about the MAC address can be done entirely without the DHCP server, so you could just point your "next-server" address at Cobbler from wherever if  you didn't want to use the DHCP management features.
> --Michael
Javier Domingo

> On Thursday, February 9, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Javier Domingo wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I did already ask this previously, but though I have read most part of the user docs, I've been unable to find how to use bootpd with cobbler. I want to use bootpd because it just has dhcp features, configuration file is quite self explanatory, one line configs for each client and you just need one configuration file.
>> I was wondering if there was any already implemented thing. If there isn't anything implemented but the python interface with dhcp server is clean, I could try to abstract a module for bootpd. If not, I would be glad to know how is usually used cobbler with the dhcp server independant.
>> I have supposed that the DHCP server is supposed to say "take pxelinux.0 from this server" and when the request arrives, depending on the asking MAC, returns one pxelinux.cfg and if it is in the cobbler database, it will jump into one menu, if it isn't, you have to type menu, select your favourite and launch it.
>> I have read relative to all this:
>> https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/DHCP%20Management => where seemed that cobbler didn't had bootpd support (for managing it itself)
>> https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Using%20Cobbler%20Import => here seems to explain how it works, and it seems to be as I described, if anyone confirms...
>> Have read some more, but I don't think they are quite relevant for my question, or have just few relative words.
>> My idea is to use mini isos- imports, and use debian-installer files (preseeding). If anyone knows also any graphical/template explainatory resource that makes easier to understand preseed, it is welcomed,
>> Javier Domingo
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