Sure, let's go for it.   All it takes is a pen and a camera or scanner.   Look how far XKCD gets with just stick figures.

On Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Greg Swift wrote:

The handcrafted was a bit tongue in cheek in reference to the quality that handcrafted provides.

I'm down with a competition, but i had a hard enough time getting interest in the process the first time around.  Maybe a second try will be better?


On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:03, Michael DeHaan <> wrote:
Yeah, not a fan :)

Maybe it's a boot, but if it's a boot, it needs to be a cool mascot-calibre boot, not a dusty 1890's model boot.  And hand crafted?    I think doing things by hand is what we avoid :)   Or maybe there's something about connecting things together that's more appropriate.

I always kind of thought this should be a competition among people on the list -- at least for a basic idea.    Many of us can draw.  mspaint level ideas are ok :)

On Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Greg Swift wrote:

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 09:43, Michael DeHaan <> wrote:
Re: the idea of a better welcome page, the site is also at and can also take pull requests, if someone with web-design chops wants to add some better links to the docs and more impressive blingy-ness.    That would be awesome.   It's about time we had a really good logo too :)
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