Hi James,

Thanks, didn't know. Just checked the web portal and browsed directories, I could only see files in
aux, images and repo_mirror. Could you please point me to the link i should be looking at?

I'm just running cobbler out of the box with some basic configuration. Is this kickstart file logging


Hi George,

You should also be able to extract the kickstarts from cobbler via the web portal / http server, without having to do any re-install.  I suspect there is something in the seeding process that might be generating a incorrectly formatted file, which anaconda is miss-interpreting, resulting in your installation problem.


On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 2:30 PM, George Pitich <george_pitich@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi James,

unfortunately i didn't save those anaconda generated kickstarts. I combined all my 
dependencies into one external repo as a workaround.

I'm currently busy but will repeat the tests and will let you know.
Thanks for responding.

>Hi George,

>When you compare the kickstart files generated, do you see any differences between your two tests?
>(click on the kickstart link beside the system you're using >for testing)

>Can you send me a diff of the two if you are seeing a change?


>>I'm kickstarting Centos 5.4 with cobbler-2.0.11. if I have only one external repo in my profile,
>>kickstart correctly applies network config for eth0 (satic IP). However, if >>add another external
>>repo to my centos 5.4 profile (cobbler profile edit), kickstart always shows network config dialog
>>even tho eth0 is configured with static IP? If I >remove the lastly added external profile (only one stays)
>>kicstart correctly assigns static IP address to eth0.
>>How do I make sure that regardless of the number of external repos in a profile, kickstart
>>applies correct settings?
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