I tried doing it with the if statement but it kept erroring out for some reason.  I ended up getting it to work using the advance snippet setup using per_system.


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 2:06 PM, James Cammarata <jimi@sngx.net> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:15 PM, James Clendenan
<james.clendenan@gmail.com> wrote:
> Personally I would just use a tag and in the partitioning section test if that tag is set or not. It gets a bit more interesting when you start merging roles so keeping each of the tags as atomic as possible is useful. But I have had to do this when doing bake offs with different raid configurations in the past and it works well.
>> I have a blade server that I'm building using cobbler to be a hadoop cluster.  Since the data nodes like seeing the individual drives, I'm going to partition those differently than the other nodes.
>> Is there a recommended method to handling the parititions?  Everything else about the kickstart will be the same.

I do pretty much the same method as James, in which I create
sub-profiles and set ksmeta variables in them. For instance, we have
Oracle DB servers, which require more swap and different partitioning
than our standard build, so I create a sub-profile (ie.
rhel6.2-x86_64-oracle) and add --ksmeta="is_oracle=1" to the system.
Then my partitioning snippet checks for that ksmeta variable and adds
partitions accordingly, like:

#if $is_oracle
#end if

We do the same thing for VMs, since they typically have much smaller
disks allocated to them. Then I just use those sub-profiles as needed
instead of the parent profile. The nice thing is, I can copy them and
easily duplicate them as I add new distros.
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