On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Lester M. <needwork@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

Having some trouble with dhcpd and cobbler 2.0

                  # cobbler check
                  The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix:
                  1 : dhcpd is not installed and/or in path

Of course I have dhcp installed (dhcp-4.1.0p1-2.fc11.i586)

(Now in 1.6.8 (and prior) I noticed that you could pass in configuration the location of dhcp / dnsmasq binaries and configuration. It would be very nice if this flexibility was brought back to cobbler. More of a want versus a need though..  :-P Nevertheless I digress,...)

Check out how this block of code on a Fedora 11 machine runs for checking for the presence of dhcpd

[ This is from action_check.py ]

  def check_dhcpd_bin(self,status):
       Check if dhcpd is installed
       rc = utils.subprocess_get(self.logger,"dhcpd --help")
       if rc.find("exiting") == -1:
           status.append("dhcpd is not installed and/or in path")

Something in that routine test is triggering a "false" /negative/ for what should prove "true". ("exiting." appears on the last line which is what the code is checking for, when you type dhcpd --help from the command line.) Confusing?

[root@localhost cobbler]# grep dhcp utils.py
def dhcpconf_location(api):
        return "/etc/dhcp.conf"
        return "/etc/dhcp.conf"
        return "/etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf"

Also shouldn't the above return "/PATH/dhcp.conf" statements point to /PATH/dhcpd.conf ? When did this change?

I validated this on RHEL5.x, Fedora10 / 11 and RHEL4.x. Is "dhcp.conf" something special cobbler needs now? Please advise.

I do the majority of my testing / builds on Fedora 11 now, as well as RHEL5.x at work. Would love to play around with cobbler 2.0 once dhcp is validated!

Was anyone able to verify anything from my last post? Does anyone else see this issue with cobbler-2.0 on Fedora 11?

#1. the cobbler dhcpd check fails even though isc dhcp is installed.

#2. /etc/dhcp.conf versus /etc/dhcpd.conf (or /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf) Which on is correct?

Please advise as it is really hard to accurately test and use cobbler with these discrepancies.

--Lester M.