On 08/14/2009 11:53 AM, Paul Company wrote:
Perhaps we could teach it to also try to look up the version without the @....

We're using Kerberos and it always passes user as <hostname>@<REALM>.
(I didn't include that in the example because I didn't want to muddy the waters)

So if you're interested in cobbler supporting Kerberos authentication
and authz_ownership
then you have to solve this issue.


I'm not sure we do, as long as there aren't users coming from multiple realms with the same usernames.
Possible work arounds:
(1) Get mod_auth_kerb to pass user name without that part.
(2) Modify remote.py to strip it out.

As I mentioned previously, remote.py is the wrong place for the fix -- if anything authn_passthru.py is.
    I'm not a python coder.
    Can anyone show me a line of code that does that?

foo = foo.split("@")[0]

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Michael DeHaan<mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
On 08/13/2009 09:40 PM, Paul Company wrote:
I've subscribed to the dev mailing list, but I'm waiting to be
accepted, so for now I'm posting here.

Running Cobbler 1.6.6 on RHEL 5.3

Here's the configuation:

# vi /etc/cobbler/modules.conf
module = authn_configfile

module = authz_ownership

# htdigest /etc/cobbler/users.digest "Cobbler" pcompany
Adding user pcompany in realm Cobbler
New password: yaba
Re-type new password: yaba
# htdigest /etc/cobbler/users.digest "Cobbler" pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM
New password: daba
Re-type new password: daba

# vi /etc/cobbler/users.conf
admin = ""
cobbler = ""
pcompany = ""
pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM = ""

# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler.conf
<Directory "/var/www/cobbler/web/">
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName Cobbler
    Require valid-user
    SetHandler mod_python
    PythonAuthenHandler index
    PythonHandler index
    PythonPath "sys.path + ['/var/www/cobbler/web/']"
    PythonDebug on

# /etc/init.d/cobblerd restart
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Browse to the Web UI and login as (A) pcompany and (B) pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM:
(A1) Logging in as pcompany works fine. Authentication works.
(A2) Authorization for pcompany works.
        pcompany has full permissions to
list/copy/modify/new/remove/save on distros, profiles, systems, repos,
        This is because user.conf is parsed correctly and it finds pcompany.
(B1) Logging in as pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM works fine. Authentication works.
(B2) Authorization for pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM fails!
        This is because user.conf is parsed incorrectly and it can not
find pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM

Here's what's left in the log, see line 1044
# cat /var/log/cobbler/cobblerd.log
2009-08-13 17:37:56,905 - api - login attempt; user(pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM)
2009-08-13 17:37:56,905 - api - authenticate; ['pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM',
'big long encryption string']
2009-08-13 17:37:56,906 - api - login succeeded; user(pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM)
2009-08-13 17:37:57,035 - api - calling authorize for resource
['new_system', None, None]; user(pcompany@EXAMPLE.COM)
2009-08-13 17:37:57,035 - api - Exception occured: cobbler.cexceptions.CX
2009-08-13 17:37:57,035 - api - Exception value: 'user does not have
access to resource: new_system'
2009-08-13 17:37:57,036 - api - Exception Info:
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/remote.py", line
1000, in check_access_no_fail
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/remote.py", line
1013, in check_access
     rc = self.__authorize(token,resource,arg1,arg2)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/remote.py", line
1044, in __authorize
     raise CX(_("user does not have access to resource: %s") % resource)

Can anyone think of a quick fix?
I'm assuming it's choking on the @ symbol.
I tried quoting it, but that didn't work.
We probably have to modify /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cobbler/remote.py?
Or whatever python module parses users.conf?
cobbler mailing list

We're using standard python config parser for user.conf presently, so
not much can be done.

Perhaps we could teach it to also try to look up the version without the

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