
We have a provisioning server with 5 interfaces on different vlans. We are running 2.6.11 but the solution we have may still be relevant to 2.6.5.

The bit in the dhcp template that is relevant is the host loop at the bottom

you need to uncomment the iface.nextserver bit


        ## Cobbler defaults to $next_server, but some users

        ## may like to use $iface.system.server for proxied setups

        next-server $iface.next_server;

Also, you will need to generate a new profile for the new next_server and set a dhcp tag and a server override. I think the tag name can be anything, the server override needs to point at the new next_server.

The documentation on this is seriously lacking. I just took a guess that the iface.next_server will be filled in by the server override. It works for us but it's all very poorly documented and explained on the web and in the man pages.



On 2016-09-19 18:31, David Lee wrote:

Cobbler folks,

RHEL6; cobbler 2.6.5 (yes, I know it's old!)

I have a feeling this ought to be a trivial question, but I can't find the answer.

We have been using Cobbler for several years.  (Indeed, I've even contributed a little to the documentation a few years ago.)  That usage has been over a single "provisioning" interface on a single provisioning network (similar to "10.old.0.0" with the server address "10.old.srv.addr" and that same value being in the "settings" field "next_server:").  Very simple.  Works well.

We are adding a second such network over another interface ("10.new.0.0").  When I PXE boot a client (say "new-client") over this new network, the TFTP stuff works fine.  But I then get "error downloading kickstart file" which includes the URL of the server's *old* interface (on the original network).

When I do
   cobbler cobbler system getks --name=new-client

the output is full of references to the *old* network, instead of the new, such as:

   # Use network installation
   url --url=http://10.old.srv.addr/cblr/links/rhel67-x86_64
   # If any cobbler repo definitions were referenced in the kickstart profile, include them here.
   repo --name=el6-x86_64-local --baseurl=http://10.old.srv.addr/local/el6/x86_64

That "10.old.srv.addr" should be the "10.new.srv.addr".

There are no references to the old address in the client's "system", or its profile or the Cobbler "foo.ks" kickstart template.

Yet something, somewhere, somehow is clinging tenaciously to the old network.

The "dhcp.template" contains:
   subnet 10.old.foo.0 netmask {
     next-server                $next_server;   <-- presumably using the "next_server" from "settings"

   subnet 10.new.0.0 netmask {
     #next-server                $next_server;
     next-server                10.new.srv.addr;   <-- explicit reference to new network's server address

The "/etc/cobbler/settings" file still has:
   next_server: 10.old.srv.addr
but we want to keep this for the time being to continue to serve our existing estate.

Any clues, please?

If the answer is "not available in 2.6.5 but is available later", then I'll set about planning an upgrade.

-- David Lee
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