
Sorry about the omitted info :(

[cobbler]# rpm -q cobbler

The ks is not a default cobbler profile, it is a copy of my f9.ks which was built from a anaconda.ks with heavy modifications to harness the power of cobbler.

Here is an excerpt from the f10 and f9 ks files showing the network info:

# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.

url --url http://our.url/f10
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6

# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.

url --url http://our.url/f9
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6


Michael DeHaan wrote:
Ronald J. Yacketta wrote:
Hello all!

Let me preface the following with : Not sure if this is a cobbler / koan 
issue or a F10 issue

Imported F10 into cobbler and created a f10.ks (copy of my f9.ks with a 
repo location change), everything looks fine from the cobbler side

[cobbler]# cobbler profile report --name=f9-i386
profile              : f9-i386
distro               : f9-i386
dhcp tag             : default
kernel options       : {}
post kernel options  : {'console': ['ttyS1,57600', 'tty1']}
kickstart            : /etc/cobbler/fc9.ks
ks metadata          : {}
owners               : ['admin']
repos                : []
server               : <<inherit>>
virt bridge          : br9
virt cpus            : 1
virt file size       : 7
virt path            : /mnt/os1
virt ram             : 1024
virt type            : qemu

[cobbler]# cobbler profile report --name=f10-i386
profile              : f10-i386
distro               : f10-i386
dhcp tag             : default
kernel options       : {}
post kernel options  : {}
kickstart            : /etc/cobbler/f10.ks
ks metadata          : {}
owners               : ['admin']
repos                : []
server               : <<inherit>>
virt bridge          : br9
virt cpus            : 1
virt file size       : 7
virt path            : /mnt/os1
virt ram             : 1024
virt type            : qemu

I can kick of a koan for the f9-i386 cobbler profile and everything runs 
as expected, when I the f10-i386 profile the install hangs setting up 
eth0 via NM (Netowkr Manager) which errors out and gives a retry button. 
Clicking the retry button kicks F10 in the arse, eth0 is configured, a 
DHCPREQUEST is fired off and everything goes smooth from there.

Went as far as doing a virt-install and compared the auto generated 
anaconda.ks to my f10.ks and found no diff with the network setup.

Any thoughts?


I need a bit more info to go on. This is probably not a Cobbler issue, 
but for starters:

(a) What cobbler version?
(b) Is your f10 kickstart based on one of the stock cobbler templates?

Cobbler from devel (1.3.X) might have network issues, as it contains 
some extra network configuration code that has not been fully tested 
yet, but I'd need to know what version
you were using and what the kickstart template contained. 1.2.X should 
not have any problems with this.

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