Hello --

I've got a little problem regarding cobbler system netmasks, and interfacing with them through xmlrpc API.  I'm using a system that was recently upgraded to cobbler 2.3.1.  From what I can tell, the subnet field was deprecated, but I still seem to be getting it in my output, and it's affecting our cobbler syncs.  To state it explicitly:

>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> cobserver = xmlrpclib.Server("")
>>> cobserver.get_system('1301')
{'comment': '', 'status': 'production', 'kickstart': '<<inherit>>', 'name_servers_search': [], 'ks_meta': {}, 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'image': '', 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'power_type': 'ipmitool', 'power_user': '', 'kernel_options': {}, 'name_servers': [], 'mtime': 1327611145.296062, 'template_files': {}, 'gateway': '', 'uid': 'MTMwNDU0MzM2OC40NjIyNDQwODEuNTEzMTk', 'virt_auto_boot': 0, 'monit_enabled': False, 'virt_cpus': '<<inherit>>', 'mgmt_parameters': '<<inherit>>', 'boot_files': {}, 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'repos_enabled': False, 'mgmt_classes': [], 'power_pass': '', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'ipv6_autoconfiguration': False, 'profile': 'dedicated-centos-5-x86_64', 'virt_type': 'xenpv', 'interfaces': {'eth0': {'ipv6_address': '', 'interface_type': '', 'static': True, 'mtu': '', 'bonding_master': '', 'gateway': '', 'subnet': '', 'management': True, 'interface_master': '', 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'filename': '/pxelinux.0', 'mac_address': '78:2b:cb:1e:a0:3d', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'distro': {'comment': '', 'kernel': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/vmlinuz', 'uid': 'MTMxNjYxNTg1OC44ODc5ODUxMy44NjIzNDU', 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'kernel_options': {}, 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'initrd': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/initrd.img', 'mtime': 1316615894.2218969, 'template_files': {}, 'ks_meta': {'tree': 'http://yum.realitychecknetwork.com/mirror/centos/5.7/os/x86_64/'}, 'boot_files': {}, 'breed': 'redhat', 'os_version': 'rhel5', 'mgmt_classes': ['base'], 'fetchable_files': {}, 'tree_build_time': 0, 'arch': 'x86_64', 'name': 'dedicated-centos-5.7-x86_64', 'owners': ['admin'], 'ctime': 1316615858.881011, 'source_repos': [], 'depth': 0}, 'virt_bridge': 'xenbr0', 'bonding': '', 'bonding_opts': '', 'ipv6_mtu': '', 'ip_address': '', 'dhcp_tag': '', 'name': '<redacted>', 'static_routes': [], 'ipv6_static_routes': [], 'dns_name': '<redacted>', 'netmask': '', 'bridge_opts': '', 'ipv6_secondaries': [], 'next_server': '', 'ipv6_default_gateway': ''}}, 'virt_path': '<<inherit>>', 'power_address': '', 'proxy': '<<inherit>>', 'fetchable_files': {}, 'virt_file_size': '<<inherit>>', 'ldap_enabled': False, 'ipv6_default_device': '', 'ctime': 1304543368.45784, 'virt_disk_driver': '<<inherit>>', 'owners': ['admin'], 'name': '1301', 'virt_ram': '<<inherit>>', 'power_id': '', 'server': '<<inherit>>', 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'depth': 2, 'ldap_type': 'authconfig', 'template_remote_kickstarts': 0}


Note in the above I have a netmask = which is associated with the interface (eth0).  I also seem to have a  "subnet" value which is set to  I can modify the interface netmask fine:


>>> token = cobserver.login(USERNAME,PASSWORD)
>>> handle = cobserver.get_system_handle('1301',token)
>>> cobserver.modify_system(handle, 'modify_interface', { "netmask-eth0" : ""  }, token )
>>> cobserver.get_system('1301')
{'comment': '', 'status': 'production', 'kickstart': '<<inherit>>', 'name_servers_search': [], 'ks_meta': {}, 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'image': '', 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'power_type': 'ipmitool', 'power_user': '', 'kernel_options': {}, 'name_servers': [], 'mtime': 1327611145.296062, 'template_files': {}, 'gateway': '', 'uid': 'MTMwNDU0MzM2OC40NjIyNDQwODEuNTEzMTk', 'virt_auto_boot': 0, 'monit_enabled': False, 'virt_cpus': '<<inherit>>', 'mgmt_parameters': '<<inherit>>', 'boot_files': {}, 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'repos_enabled': False, 'mgmt_classes': [], 'power_pass': '', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'ipv6_autoconfiguration': False, 'profile': 'dedicated-centos-5-x86_64', 'virt_type': 'xenpv', 'interfaces': {'eth0': {'ipv6_address': '', 'interface_type': '', 'static': True, 'mtu': '', 'bonding_master': '', 'gateway': '', 'subnet': '', 'management': True, 'interface_master': '', 'hostname': '<redacted>', 'filename': '/pxelinux.0', 'mac_address': '78:2b:cb:1e:a0:3d', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'distro': {'comment': '', 'kernel': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/vmlinuz', 'uid': 'MTMxNjYxNTg1OC44ODc5ODUxMy44NjIzNDU', 'kernel_options_post': {}, 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'kernel_options': {}, 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'initrd': '/var/lib/cobbler/imgs/centos-5.7-x86_64/initrd.img', 'mtime': 1316615894.2218969, 'template_files': {}, 'ks_meta': {'tree': 'http://yum.realitychecknetwork.com/mirror/centos/5.7/os/x86_64/'}, 'boot_files': {}, 'breed': 'redhat', 'os_version': 'rhel5', 'mgmt_classes': ['base'], 'fetchable_files': {}, 'tree_build_time': 0, 'arch': 'x86_64', 'name': 'dedicated-centos-5.7-x86_64', 'owners': ['admin'], 'ctime': 1316615858.881011, 'source_repos': [], 'depth': 0}, 'virt_bridge': 'xenbr0', 'bonding': '', 'bonding_opts': '', 'ipv6_mtu': '', 'ip_address': '', 'dhcp_tag': '', 'name': '<redacted>', 'static_routes': [], 'ipv6_static_routes': [], 'dns_name': '<redacted>', 'netmask': '', 'bridge_opts': '', 'ipv6_secondaries': [], 'next_server': '', 'ipv6_default_gateway': ''}}, 'virt_path': '<<inherit>>', 'power_address': '', 'proxy': '<<inherit>>', 'fetchable_files': {}, 'virt_file_size': '<<inherit>>', 'ldap_enabled': False, 'ipv6_default_device': '', 'ctime': 1304543368.45784, 'virt_disk_driver': '<<inherit>>', 'owners': ['admin'], 'name': '1301', 'virt_ram': '<<inherit>>', 'power_id': '', 'server': '<<inherit>>', 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'depth': 2, 'ldap_type': 'authconfig', 'template_remote_kickstarts': 0}


However that other subnet value, I don't seem to have a way to edit or remove that I'm aware of.

The problem with this is when I attempt to cobbler sync, dhcpd.conf is updated with that global subnet value instead of the netmask value that I set myself.  How do I remove or edit the incorrect subnet value?  Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Thank you for looking!
