oh btw a new version has been released very recently, but it will not fix your problem ;-)

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:24 AM, <alastair@alastair-munro.com> wrote:

cobbler and cobbler-web at 2.6.1-7.1.

Sub profiles cannot select distros from the drop down on the web page. Is there a setting as to whether sub profiles can be edited or not? I thought they were just like profiles and take values from the parent if a value is not set? I created the sub profile from the web page. I had problems selecting other options and had to set them from the command line.

Reason I want a parent profile is I want to put all my templated files in there, have a generic el6 parent and then use sub profiles to select different distros (rh/centos/si-linux varying versions of el6, minor release, etc) and pass a ksmeta flag to select different builds (we like to reduce the number of kickstarts to maintain and just have one that does everything).

Functionality from the command line is fine.

Let me know if a new version is coming soon :)

Thanks in advance

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Jörgen Maas