On 07/06/2009 06:30 PM, Paul Company wrote:
cobbler would still have to copy the file locally for tftp to work.

Yes, I get that.
So cobbler uses http to copy things over instead of NFS.
http is better than NFS in the context of availabilty.

You're no longer dependent on NFS.
I think that's a really really good thing. No?


I don't understand where you are going with this thread, but it has been spelled out:

* you don't have to use cobbler import, you can use cobbler distro add if you don't like what import does for you
* Anaconda supports http, ftp, and nfs:// URLs -- you are welcome to use any of these
* Cobbler uses HTTP by default, and this is what "cobbler import --name=foo --path=/mount/point" will make things available as
* Your kernel and initrd files but be on a filesystem somewhere because we have to copy them for various things including TFTP.

I don't see the behavior of import changing as a result of this thread -- this feature has been around a long while and seems to meet most everyone's requirements, so let's not speculate on that.

If you are still trying to understand what to do or how something works, ask a question along those lines, and we'll answer it.
