The correct location is /var/lib/cobbler/, the one in /etc/ is a packaging error.

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Andrew Hamilton <> wrote:

I'm not sure how old your installation is but it seems like you don't have the latest distro_signatures.json file. You can pull a copy form the repo at

This file can be found in /etc/cobbler and /var/lib/cobbler. I'm not sure if you need to replace both or just the one in /etc/cobbler but I'd swap out both if you don't want to update your current cobbler install.

After this I'd restart cobbler and run a 'cobbler sync' and you should be ready to import that distro. (Note that I tested using a CentOS 6.4 CD which hits the same signature and it worked with the latest master branch)



On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Tan, Jeff <> wrote:



I am having problems importing the latest rhel 6.4 iso. It keeps coming back with : No signature matched in /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/rhel6.4local.3


The command I am running is :  cobbler import --name=rhel6.4local.3 --path=/media


/media is a DVD mounted on a vmware CentOS 6.2 host. I tried to import also from a local repo but am getting the same error message.


I tried to do : cobbler signature update then restarted cobblerd but it’s no go. What am I missing?



Jeff Tan


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