On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Paul Raines <raines@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

While a box was being upgraded with cobbler the updates repository
its profile used was being updated.  This resulted in the install
failing due to error (I got ssh'ing into the box and doing a tail
on /tmp/anaconda.log)

15:11:30,822 WARNING : Failed to get http://raidsrv02.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/centos/6/updates/x86_64/repodata/571e1c486fc1c2bbdeba0642e9ca267da3f2a5822c447ea191003e947c50f49d-primary.sqlite.bz2 from mirror 1/1, or downloaded file is corrupt

Unfortunately, the disks have already been reformated so the old
grub is wiped out and the image koan installed gone.  SO I cannot
just simply reboot to start over.  PXE is not an option.   And I am
miles away from this actual system.  Is there some way to 're-koan'
the box from the anaconda image I have sshed to?

koan itself is not installed but grub obviously is.  Also seems to
have wget.  So it seems it might be possible.

If you have access to the grub utilities, it might be possible to recreate the boot partition correctly, however it would be a manual process (assuming you do have access to the ALT+F2 console and grubby/grub-install are available). Beyond that, I don't think the installer has enough of the supporting utilities to run actually run koan itself.