I am trying to setup cobbler in the following scenario:

Cobbler server
Has a "build network" which is non-routable and presented to all boxes
Has small subnet management network (/27) which is used to access the box and do other related management tasks.

Server that are being build
Servers have access to the build network
Servers are on there own specific management networks which is not in the same vlan as cobbler and with no iphelper installed.

What I would like to happen:
* The server that is being build should dhcp from the build network
* The rest of the networking on the server is static and should be set statically. 
* The "normal" network aka management networking is vmxnet3 so won't work anyway because I am still using RHEL 5.8 for various reasons.

It seems that cobbler assumes it has global access to all networks mentioned in server config, is this correct or do I have it wrong?

I assume dhcp tag would come in handy here but not quite sure how to use it. The man page makes a cursory mention of it and then refers you to the wiki which have no mention of it. Well non easily found.


Gerhardus Geldenhuis