I am trying to pxe boot xenserver 6.0.2 using cobbler.

1. created a cobbler distro, profile and then did a "cobbler syn" which created the "default" pxe config file.
2. Now, i edited the default file generated by cobbler with the following lines.

        kernel /images/XS602/mboot.c32
        MENU LABEL XS602
        append /images/XS602/xen.gz dom0_mem=752M com1=115200,8n1 console=com1,vga --- /images/XS602/vmlinuz xencons=hvc console=hvc0 console=tty0 answerfile= install --- /images/XS602/install.img
        ipappend 2

3. Then copied the files xen.gz, vmlinuz, install.img to the appropriate location.

similar change helped me to install xenserver 56. 

But xenserver 6.2 is stuck while loading xen.gz.

Any help is highly appreciated.
