On 07/15/2009 04:56 PM, James Cammarata wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 16:43:44 -0400, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com>
For instance, do you ever want to tweak a system in Cobbler then look at 
it in Nagios/Cacti/Your-Favorite App?

I'm wondering if it makes sense to (where the other applications permit 
it), putting up some simple jump links on the "list" page that will take 
you to the pages
for those specific systems, to make it easier to open those other 
programs in new tabs/etc and show the systems.

That all being said, I'm not aware of what apps this makes sense for, 
but in the sense of Cobbler as "one ring to bind them", 
lightweight-CMDB-but-not-quite sort of thing?

(Note:  this does not imply hard-dependencies of any kind, and would 
probably need minimal configuration in settings)


I'd create a new setting for this, like 

webui_extra_links = (('Nagios','http://nagios.server.com/nagios'),

That way it'd be nice and easy to customize.


Indeed, probably a prefix.

I'd like to ship with a few defaults in there (commented out) by example, and then on the system page we could have buttons that are just as simple as:

[Nagios] [Cacti]  in the table beside each system.   They would default to opening in new tabs.
