On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 10:49, Greg Swift <gregswift@gmail.com> wrote:

also... if we could get the logo to stop injecting ~80px of wasted space on the right that would be awesome.. i played with it for a few seconds and it didn't go away.  I think it would be kewl if it could be dropped into the bottom left of the page where there is almost always empty space, but the way the colums flow i'm not sure how doable that is.

so check out this awesomeness (see attachment)   :)  i've tested it on ff4 and ie7.  All I did was:

1: comment out the div with the cobbler logo
2: in style.css:
    a: separate body and html (otherwise you end up with duplicate logos floating the page) definitions.  Put font under html, leave rest under body
    b: add the following under body:
  background-image: url('/cobbler_webui_content/logo-cobbler.png');
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: 0% 100%;

It doesn't interfere with long scrolls lists because its only the left column width long.  It does float behind everything, so if your window is very small and you end up with a single column layout, it may end up behind the menus.  Also, moving from top to bottom becomes fairly trivial (change 2 values in the css). 

Not perfect or ready for prime time.  Just something i was curious about.  Am I the only one the large gap at the top bothers?  If so I'll move on :)

So... the one thing this looses from a functionality standpoint is the "home" link functionality of the cobbler logo.  However, there isn't really anything there..
