On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Alan Evangelista <alanoe@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
On 04/27/2014 06:17 AM, Jörgen Maas wrote:
Hey all,

Just finished integrating the pyflakes and pep8 validation. We now have that in place for cobbler and cobbler-web, koan will be addressed a bit later. Just wanted to let you know that ALL files have changed so if you have any work pending a pull request, please rebase first against current master.

Also, if you want to contribute to Cobbler please make sure your patches pass pyflakes and pep8 by using 'make qa'.
Next up will be updating the Developer Guide so that all of this is properly documented.


Sorry for taking so long to post a feedback. Thanks for integrating pyflakes/pep8 integration and making several fixes, Jörgen.

1) Strangely, I downloaded Cobbler's Git repository master branch, run 'make qa' and got the following output:

$ make qa
running pyflakes...
cobbler/modules/serializer_mysql.py:23:3: invalid syntax
make: *** [qa] Error 1

I was supposing master branch would be approved by Pyflakes. I am not familiar with Pyflakes, so maybe I am missing something?

Also, I see errors when I run pep8 for all Python files in Cobbler source code (even ignoring errors E303 and E501).
I was also supposing master branch would be approved by PEP8.

2) Curiosity: is there a reason why you chose Pyflakes over Pylint? Maybe because it is less strict and less verbose?

3) I rebased against master and just made a pull request with several Pylint fixes. I'll wait your feedback.

Alan Evangelista

cobbler-devel mailing list

Hi Alan,

Strange indeed, i'm running my dev env on centos6 (thus targeting python 2.6). Perhaps your setup is more current?

Indeed i found pylint somewhat too much (work) for now, but i do see value in integrating pylint as well. Just have to make some time to read more about it, so if you have any patches laying around for doing just that i'm happy to merge.

I will take a look at all pull requests tonight, thanks again!

Jörgen Maas