On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:13, Greg Swift <gregswift@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:13, Greg Swift <gregswift@gmail.com> wrote:
So as I was originally doing all of the webui mods I did a fairly good job of keeping my changes separate.  But yesterday I threw together what was supposed to just be 1 change (adding a configuration variable to choose your stylesheet) and it ended up including an updated stylesheet along with a new one, some layout fixes to the tables, as well as the new logo+favicon.

I haven't gotten final word on setting up the license on the logo to ensure that there is no legal issue, if anyone has any suggestions on doing this right I am open to suggestions.

I'm not suggesting we merge this just yet, but I would like another set of eyes on how I added the stylesheet variable.

The commit is here: https://github.com/gregswift/cobbler/commit/70f2c08c7beb89a35e364eeefd1678b84b0cdeb0

Here is the changelog entry:

Added blue-style.css to deprecate style.css Added a new setting called 'stylesheet' which allows for admin selectable stylesheets in the webui. Set the default stylesheet to the new 'brown-style.css' The stylesheets need to live in the cobbler web content directory. Added the passing of the stylesheet configuration setting into the views. Moved the settings parsing in views.py/settings to get_settings views.py/get_settings supports getting full settings list or a single value Moved the old logo to logo-classic.png, I plan on making a classic stylesheet soonish. Added new logo image and favicon. thanks to Abi, Mladen, and others in the Fedora Design team for their help. Will be adding the source images in a upcoming commit. Changed index page to let the logo be a css placed image. Fixed the table layouts in new style sheet by adjusting table type and adding and empty column to the events, snippet and ks tmpl files.
Another reason I don't suggest attempting to merge is that I haven't re-based on the new branch structure.

and the login page logo is horribly rendered in IE... sigh..