On 07/07/2009 12:50 PM, James Cammarata wrote:
On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 12:21:59 -0400, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com>
On 07/07/2009 12:13 PM, Michael DeHaan wrote:
On 07/07/2009 12:09 PM, Jeff Schroeder wrote:
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Michael DeHaan<mdehaan@redhat.com> 
I think there is currently some annoying legal problem with the
that jQuery uses to make it "fast", so we would have to run the
one though if we shipped it with Cobbler though ... grr!  I'm not sure
slow that would be, but it would be worth trying just to get the

(FWIW, the way apps typically do the flash stuff is just a session
making a DIV show up)
Legal problems? Seriously? Can you provide a link or some background
on this? Google isn't showing much from a cursory glance. If there are
legal problems however, just use the yui minimizer[1]. If there were
legal problems yahoo would have taken it down a very long time ago.


I'll follow up on this with Toshio and others and let you know.

The problem was, IIRC, that the program to compress things was not 
permissible in Fedora.

However that appears to imply BSD, so let me see what the hold-up was.



cobbler-devel mailing list
It seems rhino prefered Sun's JRE but may now work.   Apparently "dojo 
shrinksafe" is also good.

These tools aren't packaged for Fedora yet -- but should be -- in which 
case it seems we can include compressed versions now provided we include 
links to the sources (and such) for GPL compliance reasons.

Once Fedora has packaging guidelines we'll need to use the versions that 
ship with Fedora, leaving us somewhat subject to changing API interfaces 
and such.

(Ah the niceness of just being able to say you are upstream...though we 
have to work with what we have)

So, given all that, it looks like we can include jQuery compressed 
verisons and not do a lot of stuff ourselves.  Which is, of course,


Looking at the minimized version, it just looked like javascript with all
whitespace stripped.  If there are legal ramifications for that...


That's good.

The issue was, I believe, the ability for Fedora to be recreated and rebuilt with 100% free components, and there were some issues around where Rhino would run.   I'm being told that no longer applies.

Personally I agree with you here, I'm only 99.95% pure on that issue :)

Regardless we need to make sure that inclusion of such, even before guidelines, doesn't mean we're doing something that is not acceptable to Fedora, since being in yum is important... and those are the conditions we work with.

It sounds like they no longer are, so we are free to do what we want now, and may only have to make minor changes when guidelines for proper web library packaging come about (which, I guess, were delayed by said requirements).
