Awesome.. i guess i just didn't notice it :)  It now occurs to me that non of the systems I play on would have systemd yet so I wouldn't have noticed it.  pardon my silliness :)

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 13:34, Scott Henson <> wrote:
I think we have one. I committed the version that was created for us by some kind soul when we pushed out 2.2.0.
Scott Henson

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Greg Swift <> wrote:
So.. on the fedora-dev list they are discussing the concept of pushing everyone onto systemd.  Its on my list of things to do for func/certmaster.  Just thought I'd start the discussion here too.

So I believe that you can just make a working systemd without to much change to cobbler, but for the bit I've read it seems that ideally a application would register itself with over dbus.  Anyone given a thought to this for cobblerd ?

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