hi all,
Beta RC2 images have been uploaded to EC2 and are available at
ami-c3e3bbaa : us-east-1 image for i386 ami-d3e2baba : us-east-1 image for x86_64
additionally if your looking to the AMI's they have been added to files in the release tree http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-Beta-RC4/Images/i386/Fedora-Ima... http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-Beta-RC4/Images/x86_64/Fedora-I...
when we get to final Beta and the images are uploaded to all regions they will all be listed and the file will be gpg signed in the final tree
Dennis Gilmore dennis@ausil.us writes:
hi all,
Beta RC2 images have been uploaded to EC2 and are available at
ami-c3e3bbaa : us-east-1 image for i386 ami-d3e2baba : us-east-1 image for x86_64
I've done smoke-test and basically everything is fine. Meanwhile I hit this: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1027148