#86: qcow2 images text is a bit obscure / OpenStack-only ----------------------------+-------------------- Reporter: jzb | Owner: jzb Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: Website & Wiki | Keywords: ----------------------------+-------------------- Lars Kellogg-Stedman sent a note to the Fedora Cloud list today noting, rightly, that the libvirt audience might miss the qcow2 images because it's labeled "OpenStack" (only) rather than being more expansive.
We need to correct this and add instructions for using cloud-init with the image in Virt-Manager, etc.
#86: qcow2 images text is a bit obscure / OpenStack-only ----------------------------+--------------------- Reporter: jzb | Owner: jzb Type: task | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: Website & Wiki | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | ----------------------------+--------------------- Changes (by jzb):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
Submitting a patch to Websites to fix this. See Trac ticket 323 for Fedora Websites: